PreSonus StudioLive 64s & Behringer Wing Heads-Up First Look

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This is the first episode in a series where we’ll be looking the PreSonus StudioLive 64s & Behringer Wing side by side for a head-up comparison of the features that matter to you the most. In this episode we’ll look at the basic features and some of the similarities and differences you’ll want to consider about all of the gear.

In an effort to show off more of how these systems work in the real world, we’ll be using the PreSonus NSB 16.8 as well as a Midas DL16 stagebox to compare patching and digital snake implementation. There is probably more similar between these two systems than is different, but it would be hard to tell by stepping behind them.

At first glance they seem entirely unrelated, built to do completely different tasks. As I’ve got to know them just a bit in setting them up and doing some early testing here, it is becoming apparent that both systems are capable of some incredibly heavy lifting. The real differences are mostly a matter of workflow and it will be important to find the approach that fits your style needs if you’re considering making a purchase.

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  1. Author

    Hey Philip,
    What type of personal production work are you doing? Right now if you are making a purchase decision for a production environment, it’s going to be really important to consider what DAW you’re using when buying a surface or front end. If you’re in Studio One 5, then the StudioLive is a great option, if you’re in something else, there might be a different way to go. It really depends on what input and output config you need & what DAW you’ll be using.

  2. Just came across your site while looking for comparison info between the Studio Live 64 and the Wing. In your opinion which is the better console for a personal production studio.

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