#116 – PreSonus StudioLive DAW Mode – How to Setup w/ StudioOne 4

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#DAWMode Enabled:

A quick guide to getting things connected

In this video, we’re taking a quick run through of setting up the StudioLive Series 3 mixer with StudioOne 4 DAW software for the first time. While there are lots of various control, routing & networking possibilities with these consoles, that same potential may also seem overwhelming when you’re unboxing your new mixer. I’ve noticed a good number of comments on various posts, forums, and videos where people are expressing frustration with the myriad options when setting things up for the first time. I thought it would be a good idea to step back and do a quick look at the fundamentals of direct connection between the mixer and software.

To follow along, you’ll need the supplied USB and CAT5 cables. We’ll be setting-up DAW Mode through the UCNet (Universal Control Network) settings, (The UCNet button is BESIDE the DAW button on the console surface) and this example will use a completely manual network setup. No router, switch, or DHCP is used. It would be more common to use a router, WiFi, & DHCP to dynamically assign IP addresses to the devices on your network, but if you are having trouble connecting, a manual static network is a great place to start.

Please let us know in the comments if you have any issues, questions or suggestions about setting up DAW mode on the StudioLive Series 3.

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Check out more PreSonus Videos

DAW Mode References:

PreSonus Q&A 

Studio Live Forum 

DAW Mode Questions 

DAW Mode Update 

PreSonus Studio One DAW Mode Overview Video 

For DAW Mode Issues 

DAW Mode Introduction – Presonus Studiolive Series III By HST Live Streams

StudioLive DAW Mode – First Impressions By Joe Guilder

PreSonus StudioLive Series III DAW Mode Teaser

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Gear Mentioned*:

StudioOne 4 DAW software

PreSonus ATOM Production and Performance Pad Controller 
StudioLive Series 3 
Stagebox 8×8 – NSB 8.8 
Stagebox 16×8 – NSB16.8 
EarMix 16 
SW5E PoE Switch 

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