Audio Kit Refresh w/ David Garwood

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Some time has passed since most of us have needed our pelican cases to go out on a job. Now it seems that the phones may be starting to ring again in certain places. It has been great hearing from folks getting ready to get back out there, and learning how are they preparing for work post lockdown.

David Garwood shares his pelican as he prepares to head back out on the road again:

What's In Your Kit? - David Garwood shares how he is getting ready to get back on the road 🎚🤘🏼
David Garwood shares his Pro Audio Pelican Case before heading out on tour

It is typically good practice to give your kit a clean a few times a year just to stay organized. Getting rid of unused items & refreshing expendables is part of being prepared, but how is this time different for you? I know I’ve never had this long between jobs before, so it’s certainly new territory.

Are you going back to the same type of work again? Have you changed what you want to carry now? Maybe you have found new tools to try since the last job? Tons of folks have done continuing education in the downtime & have new skills too. It’s going to be different for everyone, that’s for sure. If you’re up for sharing your approach in a full video or a short clip, that would be great. Your experience and perspective could be a huge help to someone else in a similar spot. Please do join in!

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