#97 – How To: XLR Soldering & Audio Cable Repair

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Whats inside:

Soldering is a touchy subject on the internet, but I do get a lot of requests for videos like this about making and repairing audio cables. I always suggest that folks who are interested in learning about soldering and electronics repair check out the Soldering Page here on the site. It’s a growing resource of actual experts in those fields who teach and make YouTube videos.

Click HERE to Watch

Check out the JWSound forum post on Quad Conductor Cables

In this video, we take a look at cables from Horizon, Mogami, Canare, Blue Microphones, EWI, Whirlwind, LiveWire, Monster, Hosa & more to see how they are made. Hopefully by looking at how the industry leaders are doing it, we can learn what we do and don’t like of their techniques, as well as gain some confidence by seeing that they are far from perfect on every connection.

Special thanks to Hakko for sending over the tools you see in the video. Making these videos can get expensive (just this week I’ve had to buy yet another round of new hard drives to keep up with growing storage demands) & it’s stretching the budget every month. Each person or company that helps by using the affiliate links, sending stuff in for tear-downs, loaning gear for reviews, providing tools & gear directly, or supporting the channel on Patreon is so incredibly appreciated. Thank you for being apart of the community.


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