Channel Memberships on YouTube!

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Join the Channel on YouTube HERE Today

Dollar Sound Club

For just one dollar a month, you can keep DcSoundOp going & get early access to the new videos on the channel and a membership badge in the comments. A second tier is available for those who want to be more involved as well, with more benefits and perks.

All of the detail are linked here: Join DcSoundOp on YouTube Here | The Patreon page is still the best place to get channel stickers or contribute in your own way. All of the support, no matter the dollar amount, is hugely appreciated.

In a niche technical category, revenue from views alone doesn’t amount to very much. Knowing that some viewers dig the videos enough to spend a dollar or two a month to help keep it going, does as much for morale & creativity as it does to help pay the bills.

DCSO Support Crew

For just three dollars a month, you get all the perks of the Dollar Sound Club, plus more! Each new member will get a Pop-Up Shout Out in a future video + access to exclusive member only posts & videos. See more of what’s going on before videos get published & have access to suggest changes or new ideas. These members comments on videos and in chats are pushed to the top automatically to makes sure your messages get seen and answered asap.

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